Top 8 reasons why you should travel
Sometimes a short one-week vacation is enough to recharge your batteries. Your boss is putting more and more pressure and you just need to escape for a few days. But sometimes you need a little more. Travelling doesn’t necessarily mean to pack everything you own and fly to the other side of the world; a simple change of region or even city is sometimes enough to do the trick.
Being a strong ambassador of travelling, I know what it can do for your mindset. The extra skip in your step. The permanent smile on your face. But more often than not, this energy begins to fade as we return to our everyday lives. What is it about going on these trips that fills us up with power and life? In the end, this power comes from within, and that means that we have access to it at anytime. These are my top 8 reasons why you should travel:
#8 You get to meet new people
On the road, you get to meet new people of every culture. Within the age of social media, it’s harder to meet real people and to build strong relationships. Travelling gives you the perfect opportunity to meet people and to make those true connections. You get to learn about the world; new cultures, new religions, new stories. The last thing you want is to go on a trip and never speak to anyone new.
#7 Gets you outside your comfort zone
Outside of coffee meetings, the local bar with your friends and working on building a better home; leaving your comfort zone can seem pretty scary for some. Your comfort zone is telling you to stay safe, nice and steady. Travelling pushes you into a new environment, leaving order and moving into the unknown. You’re going places where you don’t speak the language, don’t have the same currency, people don’t know who you are, and nobody is there to hold your hand. Most people will travel to one destination and repeat that visit, because it’s comfortable. Real travellers aren’t afraid to get lost and adapt to a new environment.
#6 Learn new skills
Want to get better at life? Travelling demands you to learn new skills. You will be faced with situations that will only be resolved once you’ve acquired the appropriate skills. It will be a time when you’ll be tested, and your creativity will come in handy. All those new skills will make you a very resourceful person and once you come back to your normal life, will help you resolve problems that you were previously struggling with but didn’t have a high enough perspective on. It’s time to level up.
#5 Memories are more important than material things
Travel is a better investment than material things. Some investments are created to strengthen your finances, which is meant to secure your freedom. Some investments are for your mental and physical health, like travelling. Everything else are just unnecessary expenses. Make sure you are putting your time and energy into the right categories.
#4 Travel is education
Want to learn very fast? Travelling is condensed education, where you acquire many skills; forms of knowledge about geography, culture, history, languages and even math. By the end of your long trip, you’ll be wiser than you were before. What I like the most about the kind of lessons you get while travelling is you have a sense of it all. You’re not reading a school book about history, you’re standing in it. And because you’ve seen it with your own eyes, the information sticks around for much longer.
#3 You get a new perspective on the world
If you’ve never left your home city, then I can understand why you could think that the world is out to get you. The media sometimes portrays foreign countries and its habitants as being the villain, and you being the hero. But the world isn’t black and white, it’s grey. People fear what they don’t understand, and by travelling you get to see that there’s nothing out there to be worried about. Just because someone lives far away, their culture is different, or they worship a different supernatural being than you, doesn’t mean they don’t have the same desires and goals as you. Most people are nice, welcoming and will do whatever they can to help you.
#2 It makes you more independent
Travel makes you self-sufficient and confident. One goal for most people is to be independent, even if it’s sometimes hard. I see this with younger generations, where parents are too overprotective and don’t allow their children to face the hardships of life. They then grow-up and reality hits them like a rock in the face.
Travelling is a great solution for this problem, because when you’re outside your comfort zone, nobody is there to hold your hand. Your creativity and skills are all you have to progress on a safe and positive journey.
#1 Travelling takes away the stress
Normal day-to-day life is stressful and complicated. Especially since we put so much pressure on ourselves in this fast-food society. No matter how important we think our lives are, the world keeps spinning with total disregard for our existence. Travelling provides us an escape from that and teaches us to take it one step at a time and enjoy our time here. You are focused on the present. What is happening today; not your 10-minute meeting next week. By taking away the past and the future, you are removing a lot of clutter in your mind and focusing on what’s important. Stress is created when you focus on a situation in the past or future that you have no control over.
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