Why you should travel Canada
Oh Canada! With the sunny season now officially on the horizon, it’s easy to start dreaming about a vacation. But have you thought about National travel? Several countries are already beginning to reopen their economies and restart businesses, and they have plans to welcome foreign tourists as early as June and July. But before making any travel commitments, it’s important to remember that Canada is a very beautiful country that deserves recognition. Here are my top 5 Reasons Why you should you travel to Canada.
#5 Natural Beauty
Each province in Canada brings something different and beautiful to the table. Whether it’s the smooth modern Toronto skyline, breathtaking mountains in Alberta, or the shorelines in P.E.I; every area of Canada is photo-worthy. And because Canada is so large, every province feels like a different environment. It’s almost like you’ve combined all of Europe together. Even Saskatchewan, which is considered the most boring natural province; is bursting with natural wonders. Wilderness excursions such as the great sand hills, colossal dunes you might expect in the Sahara Desert; or the Crooked Bush Trail where you can hike across an eerie dark forest with twisted branches.
It’s important to remember that Canada is known for its majestic natural landscapes, undisturbed by human intervention. There are many policies in place to prevent such areas to be deforested, because Canadians value their land. Take the time to travel and rejoice in the country with a million landscapes.
#4 It’s Big!
Canada is a massive country. In fact, the second largest country in the world. So large, that if you were to travel from St. Johns, Newfoundland (East) to Vancouver, BC (West); it would take you 9 hours by plane or 77 hours by car. That means there is a lot left to explore and a lot that have barely been seen by humans. Canada is really one of the last countries you can still explore and discover. My mission has always been exploration, and there are still areas in Canada spoken to locals about, that make their head shake. Places like Nodwell (Alberta), Elk Glen (Manitoba), Pugwash Estuary (Nova Scotia), and don’t get me started about Yukon. That means you could be part of a very small group of people to ever step foot on land. If that’s not experience, I don’t know what is.
#3 Maple Syrup
Canada is very well-known for its maple syrup, which is usually made from the xylem sap of sugar maple, red maple, or black maple trees. These trees are converted to sugar that rise in the sap during late winter and early spring. Maple syrup is often used as a condiment for pancakes, French toast, waffles or oatmeal.
Canada produces 85% of the world’s maple syrup, and with good reason. Canadians have the world trade secrets on how to make an abundance of the clear-coloured sap used to make maple syrup. Quality maple sugar production is a source of great pride for Canadians, and a true connection to nature.
#2 More than just snow and Ice
Winters are very cold, but summers are very hot. There are a lot of areas in Canada that have varying temperatures, because it is such a large country. For example, Vancouver rarely ever sees freezing levels in the winter. You will only see snow in the mountains. But Quebec city will receive 28 inches of snow during January. Summers in Canada had an average of 25 °C in 2019.
The good news is Canada is not a frozen wasteland all year round. It’s a very fare balance of weather, which gives both summer and winter lovers a chance to enjoy. Hockey and Skiing are both extremely popular sports in Canada and have a special place along the winter sceneries, which most Canadians are looking forward to all year round.
#1 Friendly, nice and helpful
It is important to note how safe you feel. This is the kind of country you can travel solo without a doubt in your mind. Many travelers choose Canada when they don’t find a group to attach themselves to.
Canadians are also regarded as very funny, which might be considered a paradox. Humour requires a certain edginess. It’s not always nice.
But the poles are in, and most travelers have named Canadians either Nice or Polite. In fact, their politeness is one of the reasons they play well with other nations and why they’re general satisfaction levels consistently rate high. Also the fact that they have outstanding health care, benefits, paid holidays and paid leaves, including maternity and paternal leave; would have something to do with it.
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