Best things to do in Westport, Ontario
Located at the west end of Upper Rideau Lake, the head of navigation for the Rideau Canal system, Westport is a peaceful community of 700-ish residents in the Rideau Lakes. Westport was first settled between in 1810, and in 1904 it became a separate municipality. Westport had a sawmill and a grist mill by 1829, and the village’s development as a regional economic hub was aided by the Rideau Canal’s completion in the middle of the 1800s. Thousands of tourists visit Westport each year to learn about its artistic community, take pictures of its natural beauty, investigate its historical past, or simply unwind. Westport is a fantastic location all year round, offering a variety of recreational opportunities for tourists of all ages throughout the four seasons.
#6 Rideau Pond Trail
Check out the 6.1-kilometer circular trail near Rideau Lakes, Ontario. It takes an average of 1 hour and 25 minutes to accomplish this course, which is generally considered easy. This is a popular spot for birding, hiking, and running, so you’re likely to run into other people while exploring. The best months to visit this trail are April to October.
In order to reach the beach at Little Bay, the Trail goes over the road and then ends back down the cliff. From serene farmland to the untamed Canadian shield, the Rideau Trail itself traverses a variety of landscapes. It is only meant for cross-country skiing, hiking, walking, and snowshoeing.
#5 Jack Herbert Trail
Foley Mountain is on a granite ridge that overlooks the historic Upper Rideau Waterway and the Village of Westport. Foley is well-known for its engaging, hands-on education programs for schoolchildren and youth groups. Enjoy the gorgeous overlook, footpaths, and picnic sites.
On the map, this is referred to as the Mobility trail. It’s a wheelchair-accessible trail with a bed for infirm walkers. There are some pleasant views of the lake as it winds through a mixed forest.
#4 Westport Sand Lake Beach
The location also includes a sandy beach with changing facilities. The conservation area is crossed by the 300-kilometer-long Rideau Trail, which connects Kingston and Ottawa.
This is the public beach used by the Westport Lions Club. A hot summer day is a great time to take the family to this beach! The beach house offers occasional activities and a pleasant gazebo for sitting. The annual Canada Day Celebration is held at the Lions Club Beach. The beach is situated at Sand Lake’s edge. A pretty serene lake with lovely greenery on the right and cottages and houses on the left.
#3 Westport Municipal Harbour
Westport is a village in eastern Ontario, Canada. It is located near the western end of Upper Rideau Lake, at the head of the navigable Rideau Canal system, 100 kilometres southwest of Ottawa. Westport was constituted as an autonomous municipality in 1904. Westport is the smallest municipality in Ontario, bordered by the Township of Rideau Lakes and located in Leeds County.
#2 Beaver Pond Trail
Discover the 1.6-kilometer circular route near Westport, Ontario. It takes about 20 minutes on average to accomplish this course, which is generally considered easy. This is a popular track for birding, hiking, and running, but you can still find privacy during the quieter times of day. The best months to visit this trail are April to October.
There are some intriguing ground-level views when the boardwalk passes through the centre of the beaver meadow. About halfway through, there’s a huge beaver dam, and near the conclusion, there’s a fantastic overlook that offers a bird’s-eye perspective of the pond and meadow you just traversed.
#1 Spy Rock Lookout
The Foley Mountain Conservation Area, the highest point in the Rideau Valley, provides a view of Upper Rideau Lake and Westport.It covers 325 hectares of woodlands, ponds, and fields and is home to a diverse range of wildlife. The Spy Rock Lookout Trail is fifty meters long.
Spy Rock is a fitting moniker. This granite ledge on the brink of a cliff overlooks the charming community of Westport, which is located southeast of the Frontenac Arch. An intriguing part of this area’s geological history is the formation of this striking cliff.
A half-billion years ago, a meteor the size of a house ripped through the sky and struck the Earth a few kilometres southwest of the present-day settlement of Holleford (Only 40 minute drive south of Wesport). The two-kilometer-wide crater is still visible.
Along a fault line that ran across the upper part of Frontenac Provincial Park and northeast toward Ottawa, the impact resulted in a tremendous earthquake. South of the fissure, the earth fell away. With its breathtaking sweeping vista, Foley Mountain’s abrupt, high cliff was formed by a drop of around 100 meters.
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